Buy the top plum online

Buy the top plum online


Discover the wonders of the lusciously sweet and tart plum, a cherished fruit across many cultures. Every bite of a fragrant plum carries both a rich nutritional profile and deep cultural significance.

Top 5 products for Plum


#1 Red Plum 2 lb

Red Plum 2 lb

Red Plum 2 lb


#2 Black Plum

Black Plum

Black Plum

This gourmet choice aligns well with the 'Plum' inquiry. Black plums, hailed for their succulent, sweet-tart flavor, enrich many Asian dishes, such as plum sauce for stir-fry or plum-infused duck. If it's frozen, convenience comes in year-round availability and longer shelf-life. Health-wise, they're high in antioxidants, aiding in digestion and boosting immunity. It's indeed a versatile, healthful delight for plum enthusiasts.


#3 Sierra Honey Specialty Plums

Sierra Honey Specialty Plums

Sierra Honey Specialty Plums

The Sierra Honey Specialty Plums offer a delicious and succulent treat that delivers a delightful mix of sweet and tart flavors. They are a healthy choice, loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Convenience-wise, they are always ready-to-eat. In Asian cuisine, they can be used in a variety of dishes, like plum sauce for duck or dipping sauce for dumplings.


#4 Plum Syrup

Plum Syrup

Plum Syrup

Discover the taste of a tangy sweet explosion with this item, perfect for someone seeking the unique flavor of plums. It's ideal for numerous Asian dishes like plum sauces or glazes for meats, offering a refreshing twist. Its healthy attributes include vitamin C and antioxidants, promoting overall wellness. If it's available frozen, it offers additional convenience, preserving freshness while eliminating the need for immediate use. Perfect for Plum lovers who value health and taste.

$9.99 - $15.49
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#5 iida Umeboshi Hachimitsu Pickled Plums 10.58 oz

iida Umeboshi Hachimitsu Pickled Plums 10.58 oz

iida Umeboshi Hachimitsu Pickled Plums 10.58 oz

Indulge in this Umeboshi Pickled Plums and elevate your Asian cooking. It delivers a savory-sweet flavor profile and can be used in various dishes like Onigiri, and Macrobiotic salads. This Umeboshi in Honey is an excellent addition to a healthy diet, packed with antioxidants, fiber and promoting better digestion. A top choice for plum lovers wanting gourmet tastes in their pantry.

$6.99 - $7.99
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Plum near me

Buy your favorite plum online with free delivery. Weee! has nation wide free shipping options with low minimums. Order plum near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless free delivery. Our asian market has no markups and prices are most often cheaper than retail stores. Thousands of families rely on Weee! to get fresh food ingredients to their home for cooking dinner. Find the biggest nearby selection of Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, or Indian food.

Frequently asked questions

What is a plum?

A plum is a type of fruit that belongs to the Prunus genus.

Are plums good for you?

Yes, plums are a nutritious fruit. They are low in calories, rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

How do I select ripe plums at the store?

Look for plums that are firm but slightly soft to the touch. Avoid plums with soft spots or bruises.

Can I eat the skin of a plum?

Yes, the skin of plums is edible and contains additional nutrients. However, some people prefer to peel them.

Do plums have any health benefits?

Plums are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and dietary fiber. They can support digestion, heart health, and overall immunity.

Can plums help with weight loss?

Plums are a low-calorie fruit and can be included in a weight loss diet. They provide natural sweetness without adding many calories.

Can I freeze plums?

Yes, plums can be frozen. Wash, pit, and cut them into desired sizes before freezing.

How can I make plum jam?

To make plum jam, combine plums, sugar, and lemon juice in a saucepan. Cook until the mixture thickens, then pour into sterilized jars and seal.

Where can I buy plums?

You can buy plums at most grocery stores, farmers markets, or online retailers. One option is Weee! Asian Market, available at

What are the different varieties of plums?

There are various plum varieties, including Santa Rosa, black plums, red plums, and yellow plums.

What does a plum taste like?

Plums have a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. The taste can vary depending on the variety.

How should I store plums?

You can store plums at room temperature until they are ripe. Once ripe, store them in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

How can I use plums in cooking?

Plums can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. They are great in pies, tarts, sauces, jams, salads, and even grilled for savory recipes.

Are plums a good source of fiber?

Yes, plums are a good source of dietary fiber, which can promote healthy digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.

Are plums suitable for people with diabetes?

Plums have a low glycemic index and can be included in a balanced diabetic diet. However, it's important to monitor portion sizes and consult a healthcare professional.

How can I ripen plums faster?

Place unripe plums in a paper bag at room temperature. Adding a ripe banana or apple can speed up the ripening process.

What is the best time to harvest plums?

Plums are typically harvested in late summer, around August or September depending on the variety and location.