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Mung Bean Sprouts

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Weekly sold 1k+


Mung bean sprouts are tasty, nutritious, extremely crunchy, rich in VC, and an indispensable food ingredient in people's lives.

Storage conditions: Refrigerated

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried mung bean sprouts with leeks

Ingredients: mung bean sprouts, leeks, oil, salt, chicken powder


1. Wash and cut the leeks.

2. Remove the roots of mung bean sprouts and soak them in water for 10 minutes, changing the water 2 times.

3. Heat a pan with cold oil and add the leeks.

4. When the leek is browned, add the appropriate amount of salt and set aside.

5. Add bean sprouts to hot pan with cold oil and stir-fry half cooked.

6. Add leeks and stir-fry evenly, then add salt and chicken powder.

7. Serve on a plate.